Pain Management

It seems unthinkable now, but there was a time in veterinary medicine when pain management was not a major concern.

Thankfully, those days are far behind us! Managing a pet’s pain is a key factor in addressing their overall health, healing, and quality of life—whether it’s following a surgery or illness, or just due to the aches and pains that we all feel as we age.

Animals do not always show pain in the ways that we might think—cats are especially good at masking pain. Fortunately, the options for pain management in animals are expanding rapidly, and we will work with you to determine the options that are the best fit for you and your pet.

Signs that your pet may be experiencing pain:

  • Changes in how a pet walks, sits, or lays down

  • Reluctance or inability to jump up or down

  • Changes in demeanor or behavior

  • Changes in appetite

  • Changes in grooming habits

If you suspect your pet might be hurting, give us a call to schedule an appointment today—we can help!